Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts


What an Endeavour!

Last Thursday, I got a phone call from my Mom. She is a big space buff, from things like this:


To things like this:


In case you are not familiar with either of those, the top one is the Mars Rover, which was sent to Mars to search for and characterize rocks and soils that hold clues to past evidence of water on Mars... the bottom is Quark, a Ferengi on the Starship Enterprise.

She is also a fan of the NASA image of the day site, which features images like this:

So, back to her call. She called me to tell me that the Space Shuttle Endeavour would be going over the Bay Area around 9 am on Friday. I have to admit, I did not know that, and when I looked it up online, it was supposed to go over my house around 8:30. Of course, I would be at work, so I would not be able to see it.


But on Friday, as I was working, I heard a shout, and I looked over to see....The Endeavour! I work in a skyscraper and we are pretty high up, so we had a nice view of the shuttle going past the Golden Gate bridge and around the bay. It took a full circle around the bay, and therefore around our building. Everyone was running from window to window trying to see it.

First of all, it was huge. I tried to get a photo with my iPhone but it doesn't show it very well, but it was pretty darn close to us, pretty close to the ground and pretty darn cool! Here are a few (bad) photos! I circled it so you can see it a little bit. Also, if you look really close at the third photo, you can see people on all of the rooftops!

Did anyone else see the Endeavour? Is anyone else a Star Trek buff? What interesting hobbies/likes do your parents have?